On this page please find various additional practical information. In case you require more information or for further questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are pleased to be at your disposal.
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Healthy knots (filled) with a maximum of 15mm., from 260mm and wider up to maximum 20mm. No open defects, less colour variation. No sapwood and no end cracks allowed.
Healthy knots (filled) with a maximum of ± 35mm., from 240mm and wider up to maximum 45mm. Less colour variation. No sapwood and no end cracks allowed.
Healthy knots (filled) with a maximum of ± 60mm, from 240mm and wider up to ± 80mm. Colour variation allowed. Occasionally a little sapwood permitted and end cracks of max. 100mm allowed.
A mix grade of Rustic A and B, however without sapwood.
Extra rustic grade, hand carved to enhance the natural partially open cracks and characteristic aged knots. Open and/or deep filled knots, cracks and end-cracks are characteristic and allowed.
Extra rustic grade with characteristic natural undulated surface with raised knots and hand carved cracks. A band sawn and brushed surface. Partially filled cracks, end cracks and knots are allowed.
Extra rustic grade with characteristic naturally shrunken knots and hand carved cracks. A slightly brushed and polished smooth undulated surface, with occasionally a light band sawn structure visible. Partially filled cracks, end cracks and knots are allowed.

Woodfloor Variation Explained
Nature’s guarantee: every piece is different! It should be noted that wood is a completely natural product and that variations in colour, texture and other natural aspects, are inherent to the natural character of the product. Moreover, treatments and finishing applications are subject to both environmental and technical variables, which often also result in aesthetical variations.
In all cases, timber flooring supplied for specific projects are likely to contain variations from job to job and also from samples on display. Therefore display panels and/or displayed showroom flooring are merely indicative of the woodspecie and its grade. Kindly consult our staff in case you require further information.

Installation instructions

Under Floor Heating (UFH)
In case Heywood’s engineered flooring is to be used in combination with underfoor heating, then please carefully read the instructions before installation. Our warranty will only be applicable if the conditions as described in our Warranty document are being complied with. For the proper use of under floor heating (UFH) in combination with wooden floors, please consult and comply with the instructions.

Care and Maintenance instructions
Please carefully read Heywood’s Care and Maintenance Instructions. Your Heywood floor will add warmth and beauty to your home for many years to come. Following a few simple care and maintenance steps, will help protect your investment and keep your Heywood floor like new. Owner’s responsibility.
Download Care and Maintenance instructions

Heywood FSC® en PEFC certified
Heywood is pleased to inform that on request it is possible to supply engineered- or solid wood flooring with FSC® or PEFC certification if required. Please contact us in case further information is required.

Heywood Vloeren has the CE-Certificate of approval which assures the compliance of properties of the specified timber species of hardwood product according to the relevant requirements of EN 14342 + A1, EN 9239-1 and EN 717-1.

Heywood Vloeren provides a five year warranty on its engineered flooring products against the delamination of the top-layer from plywood and the delamination of plywood itself. Please find the full details of our warranty via the download link.

For an overview of our collection, described in multiple languages, please download the brochure via the following link,
or download the following swatch for a complete overview of all collection items,

Welcome to experience Heywood
We would like to invite you to visit our factory and new showroom in Oss. You will become inspired by experiencing our production departments, and by seeing the complete flooring collection which is extensively displayed.